Bob Zimmermann's Home Page

About me:

Sent me mail.
My old and new PGP keys. For more information on PGP, look here .

Things I'm working on

Kyle's May 2006 Recital.
Helena's May 2006 Recital.
Helena's 2006 Recital.
Photos from Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary.
Woodworking projects. Surrealistic Precision system notes

Places I often go to on the net:

USA Today
Baseball Prospectus

The MacInTouch Home Page with the latest on Macintosh applications, bugs, tips, etc. Breaking news on Mac price drops
Mac Fixit Macintosh Trouble Shooting
Mac Headline News
Apple Rumors

Other Interesting Stuff

Click for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Forecast
Today's Dilbert .
Decisions by the Supreme Court from Court TV or Cornell .
Fidelity investments.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy Collision with Jupiter. Way cool pictures of the first observed astronomical collision.
Chernobyl - Pictures , Maps, Charts and various research articles.
The Internet Business Pages has lots of info on Pittsburgh in it. , a most magnificent creature. Black and White and Color pictures are available locally.

Friends, Relatives, and Other Notables

Up to the Official Zimmermann Family Home Page .
He3nry C Schmitt. His wife, Kath is also online. For that matter, the entire Schmitt Family is online.
Granville Skidmore Kennedy III 's home page.
Brian Byrnes 's home page.